Senin, 14 Desember 2020

Jual Differential Pressure Gage Dwyer 4010 di Menado

Hubungi Toko Karya Nusatama Jual Differential Pressure Gage Dwyer 4010 di Menado, Untuk pemesanan anda bisa menghubungi sales marketing kami di TLP/SMS : 085701550255 / WA : 081325044880 atau anda bisa menirimkan e-mail ke Kami juga menjual berbagai alat listik, penangkal petir, alat safety, alat teknik, alat ukur, alat survey, alat geologi, sirine, alat optik, lampu emergency, alat hydraulic, safety shower dan lain sebagainya. Free ongkir khusus untuk daerah jakarta dan sekitarnya.

The Capsuhelic gauge is designed to give fast, accurate indication of differential pressures. The gauge may be used as a readout device when measuring flowing fluids, pressure drop across filters, liquid levels in storage tanks and many other applications involving pressure, vacuum or differential pressure. Using the basic design of Dwyer's time-proven Magnehelic gauge, the Capsuhelic gauge contains a simple, frictionless movement that permits full scale readings as low as 0.5 in H2O. The pressure being measured is held within a capsule which is an integral part of the gauge. This containment of the pressure permits the use of the gauge on system pressures of up to 500 psig, even when differentials to be read are less than 0.1 in H2O. The diaphragm-actuated Capsuhelic gauge requires no filling liquid which might limit its outdoor applications. Zero and range adjustments are made from outside the gauge, and there is no need to disassemble the gauge in normal service. Note: May be used with Hydrogen. Order a Buna-N diaphragm. Pressures must be less than 35 psi. 

KAMI MELAYANI PEMESANAN KESELURUH KOTA-KOTA DI INDONESIA Surabaya, Bali, Sidoarjo, Malang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bandung, Sumatra, Aceh, Lampung, Medan, Riau, Batam, Jambi, Padang, Kalimantan, Samarinda, Pekanbaru, Bengkulu, Makasar, Sulawesi, Irian jaya,Papua, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, Ntt, Ntb, Gorontalo, maluku DLL

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